  • early_release_of_SMSF_super

Illegal early release of Superannuation

If you’ve been approached by someone promising to help you access your Self Managed Super Fund early you may wish to talk to your accountant first  ….

The ATO has issued a press release advising that as a self-managed super fund (SMSF) trustee, you must ensure that the member has met a condition of release before […]

August 1st, 2018|Accounting, News, SMSF|
  • tax_debt_overdue_return_help

Tax Debt? Overdue lodgements? Don’t bury your head in the sand! Get help fast!

Tax time can create a fair amount of stress for individuals and business owners who haven’t lodged a return for a years or who are worried about a tax debt to the ATO.

Please don’t bury your head in the sand.  Did you know the ATO offers a range of options to help and your trusted […]

July 31st, 2018|News, Tax|
  • sharing_economy_and_tax_2018

What are your tax obligations in the sharing economy?

The following helpful information was published July 18, 2018 by Business Victoria:

“Are you one of the many Australians who earn additional income through the sharing economy? If so, you may have tax obligations.
What activities make up the sharing economy?
Common examples of sharing economy activities include:

ride-sourcing: transporting passengers for a fare
renting accommodation such as a […]

July 26th, 2018|Business Advice, News, Tax|
  • car_tax_threshold_2018

Cars and Tax 2018

Do you know the car threshold amounts that apply from 1 July 2018?

The ATO has announced that from 1 July 2018 the following car threshold amounts apply:

Income tax

There’s an upper limit on the cost you use to work out the depreciation for the business use of your car or station wagon (including four-wheel drives). You […]

July 17th, 2018|Bookkeeping, News, Tax|
  • rental_property-deductions_tax_2018

Own a rental property in Australia?

Own a rental property in Australia? Check out the ATO’s latest rental properties guide to help you get your tax return right! Click the link below to go straight to the ATO’s latest guide.

If you’re time poor and would prefer to outsource your tax return preparation and lodgement while ensuring you don’t make a mistake […]

July 10th, 2018|News, Planning, SMSF, Tax|
  • TBC_new_address_76_old_cleveland_road_capalaba

Now at 2/76 Old Cleveland Road, Capalaba

TBC’s degree-qualified Accountants are assisting clients with tax planning right now at our fresh new premises at 2/76 Old Cleveland Road, Capalaba.

We offer specialist knowledge, reliable advice, fast turnaround and exceptional customer service!

Yes! We are still accepting new clients. Call now 3245 1466.

Free parking out front. We’re easily accessible and hard to miss with our […]

June 27th, 2018|News|
  • tax_time_deduction_guides

4 days to Tax Time! What deductions can I claim?

4 days to Tax Time! What deductions can I claim, I hear you ask? Do you know the deductions specific to your industry or occupation?

Below is a link to quick reference guides that are occupation and industry specific to help you claim what you’re entitled to.  Take the time to read them. This is something you […]

June 27th, 2018|Bookkeeping, Business Advice, News, Tax|
  • End-of-financial-year-act-now

End of Financial Year is Fast Approaching – Act Now

The end of financial year is fast approaching.

30 June falls on a Saturday this year and we traditionally experience a high influx of calls and emails in the last week of the financial year. To ensure our service best meets your needs, we recommend you contact us now for any support or assistance you require […]

June 21st, 2018|Accounting, Bookkeeping, News, Tax|