If you volunteer or work in a Not for Profit organisation we know you and your organisation work very hard supporting our community.
We also know it can be a stressful time when the person who administers your organisation and/or its tax affairs changes. When office bearers change a lot of information needs to be communicated but everyone is time poor and in many cases, volunteers. So, we found two resource that might help!
1) Have a look at the poster below and share to others if you think it might help them.
2) If you click on the link below, you’ll find the ATO hub for Not for Profits.
They provide checklists for handovers, self-governance, and induction packages for new administrators.
We will be developing more information for not for profits on our website soon, so do keep an eye out! www.tbctax.com.au.
If you’re new to administering tax affairs for your organisation and you’d like some general advice we offer a free no obligation consultation. Just call 3245 1466 or email [email protected]

ATO Help for Not for Profits Poster